Ha presentat la ponència “Teacher
collaboration as a central axis of the staff-development model Peer Learning Network”, on ha
explicat el model de formació Xarxa d’Aprenentatge
entre Iguals, i la seva efectivitat en la sostenibilitat dels diferents
programes educatius que promou el GRAI: Llegim
i escrivim en parella, Leemos y escribimos en pareja, Reading in Pairs, (En)Raonem
en parella.
She has presented the paper "Teacher
collaboration as a central axis of the staff-development model Peer Learning Network", where
she explained this training model, and its effectiveness in the sustainability
of the different educational programmes promoted by the GRAI: Reading in Pairs (in Catalan, Spanish
and English language) and (En)Raonem en
parella (to improve the cooperative resolution of daily mathematic
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