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dilluns, 14 de març del 2011

El butlletí de la IASCE es fa ressò d'un article del GRAI

El darrer butlletí de la IASCE (International Association for the Study on Cooperative in Education) es fa ressò, en l'apartat d'articles, d'un article de membres del GRAI.

Vidal, J., Duran, D., &; Vilar, M. (2010). Musical learning with cooperative learning methods. Cultura y Educacion, 22(3), 363-378. An experience of educational innovation developed in a Professional Conservatory of Music is presented. Traditional methodologies used in music teaching and learning are centred on the teacher and the use of learning handbooks. The applied innovation involves the use of cooperative methodologies for music teaching and learning. Analyses of the present experience provide data that support that there has been an increase in classroom discussion favouring the construction of musical knowledge.