Visita el web del GRAI a http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grai/

dilluns, 2 de setembre del 2013

15th Biennial Conference Earli 2013

From 27-31 August took place in Munich (Germany), the EARLI Biennial Conference: "Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning". 
David Duran, representing GRAI, presented two papers. The first one, Improving Reading Fluency through a Peer Tutoring Programme, in collaboration with Vanessa Valdebenito, which explains advances of Leemos en pareja programme. The second one, International Online Reciprocal Peer Tutoring for the improvement of linguistic abilities in Spanish and English, in collaboration with  Sílvia Blanch and Mariona Corcelles (GRAI) and Keith Topping and Rayanne Dekhinet (CPL), explaining results of e-tutoring project.